New Vision for New Earth
Coco Tralla
Coco Tralla
Save the world with seven books and seven life changing steps
Coco's Story
Why Buy Here?
Although these books are advertised online all over the world, this is the only place where you can buy them. You may think you can buy the overpriced and falsely advertised copies here or elsewhere online, but those copies are unauthorized, pirated copies. Sellers claim to have these novels, but they are selling bootleg copies. Coco Tralla LLC has never received any proceeds from their book sales. (The book sellers have been falsely advertising these books, for example, they are not made of leather, they are made from recycled sugarcane from Bogota.) Be that as it may, there is an energy accumulating to buy these books because of The Mission.
No one else has inventory of these adult fiction books, and if any bookstore claims to have copies, then they are overpriced, bootleg copies because The Coco Tralla LLC Warehouse is the only place where you can purchase these copyrighted novels with the author's authorization.
So you've come to the right place.
Critical Mass
Who Are The Books For?
If you are concerned about what's going on in our world, then these books absolve any fear of us destroying our planet. The seven books actually comprise the steps you need to take to get control of not only stopping the destruction of the world, but also jumpstarting the reconstruction of our planet. Through these mature, adult fiction novels, there are seven compelling steps to form a critical mass for world transformation. Critical mass, a scientific term for chain reaction, means the formation of enough people who are convinced they can save the world so that it actually happens. (Do a search on Coco Tralla at Yahoo and you'll see there are 1.5 million search results.) When there's a critical mass movement to save the world based on the knowledge from the secrets revealed in the seven books, then we can actually save the world.
Once you delve into The Journey and The Seven Steps, then you'll know why there is so much buzz being generated: This is the first step in the movement to
save the world.

The Mission
As author, publisher and owner of the Coco Tralla LLC book store, I'm passionate about unveiling the secrets that have brought earth and us to our current demise. These secrets have lorded over us and our world for eons. After decades of researching the historical events that never made history, I know this is the Holy Grail to save the world. The seven books came to me as an inspiration in 2001, and reading Light Vision, Book One, begins a journey for the Holy Grail of saving the world. Through my calling, I have realized this mission requires taking seven steps with each step being activated by reading each of the seven books:
1. Identify and expose the root of all evil by revealing secrets that have remained hidden from us for decades. Whether you know it or not, the source of evil in our world was used by the ancients and is currently being used by sinister forces orchestrating illicit rituals and human sacrifices.
Light Vision, Book 1, tells the tale about Diana DeMarco being targeted for illicit rituals and human sacrifices in the ancient caverns buried beneath the city of Rome. Hard copies available here, right now. Mature readers only. (See Disclaimer.)
2. Create a new energy grid by revealing secrets about an energy source from the space vacuum that provides clean, healthy propulsion, energy from the vortex to purify water and the frequency that is the "cure for all disease." All these were discoveries/inventions made long ago by Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger and Royal Rife, but were squelched and "disappeared" by the sinister forces that rule over the planet.
Energy Grid, Book 2, to be released 2025.
3. Determine the prophecy that charts the way of the Holy Grail to influence a critical mass that in turn creates an unstoppable movement to save the world. Through consulting the ancients, we can understand what the Akashic record reveals for earth. The Akashic records are the past, present and future of our world,and it is not a timeline nor is it something that can be changed ... it just is and it is the key to our survival on this planet.
Ancient Oracle, Book 3, to be released 2026.
4. Designate forces that ignite a critical mass movement of using these newfound discoveries that benefit us and our world. When the secrets are revealed of the suppressed inventions and discoveries, we can enforce the implementation of using these inventions to save our world instead of the way it has been ... destroying it. There are ancient entities that are behind this movement, and that is our source of power to overcome what has been happening in our world. This has nothing to do with religion or deities, but has everything to do with saving our world.
Vintage Spirits, Book 4, to be released 2027.
5. Develop soul identity, which reveals our soul groups, to further our quest for the Holy Grail to save the world. Through identifying the soul and discovering the soul groups we are in (mentors, guides, families and friends) we become united as a species to save the world.
Soul Journey, Book 5, to be released 2028.
6. Demonstrate the transformed world as saved though the implementation of inventions that were designed to heal and help our world instead of misusing them by creating catastrophic events.
Manifest Destiny, Book 6, to be released 2029.
7. Become one within the soul group who transforms into an energy force where the world evolves into that which we have envisioned and created as a soul family. Then we become the miracle that saves the world.
Miracle Maker, Book 7, to be released 2030.

Coco Tralla
And The Seven Book Series
Decades ago, a profound revelation ignited within me, inspired by an extraordinary calling, a cosmic force beyond the confines of religion or deities. This force, an energy of immense magnitude, summoned me to undertake a mission. A mission that's not guided by traditional concepts of religion, but rather by an innate energy capable of orchestrating a shift, a critical mass of transforming the world.
In 2004, I embarked on a global odyssey, passionately sharing my vision with publishers, distributors and bookstore owners from around the world. Sadly, my visionary efforts were met with indifference, as the world couldn't yet grasp the pivotal revelations I had been given for the seven book series.
This prompted me to take matters into my own hands, becoming
both publisher and distributor of Book 1, aptly named "Light Vision." Regrettably, this journey left me in ruins, for the essence of these books had the power to unmask dark forces in positions of power over the world.
Now, decades later, I am more certain than ever that the world is ready to embrace the inspiration that was bestowed on me: This is a road map to rescue our planet, a Holy Grail that promises to transform our world from destruction to a realm of beauty. These books deliver the reality that there is a "cure for all diseases" and there will be an end to "man-made catastrophic events" by revealing secrets of deceased scientists who had sought to help the world with their inventions, but instead their discoveries were re-engineered into weapons of mass destruction.

The Journey

Seven Steps To Remember
1. Identify and expose the source of all evil by revealing dark forces that have remained hidden from us for decades. There's a reason why the mainstream media continues to suppress the illicit rituals and human sacrifices going on this world because that's what brings in these dark forces into our world.
2. Create and discover new energies that stop catastrophic events before they happen by exposing the secrets of discoveries that were meant to save earth, but were misused and have caused hurricanes, earthquakes and even so called "natural disasters."
3. Determine the prophecy of our world through unseen forces that exist by revealing the secrets that reveal the Holy Grail of the destiny of our world.
4. Designate forces that ignite critical mass with a chain reaction of newfound inventions that save the world.
5. Develop soul identity that in turn generates soul groups driven by the revealing of secrets and the mission.
6. Demonstrate the world as saved through the transformation of earth as a result of the secrets revealed.
7. Become the miracle as a unified soul group that continues to live in this destiny that we, as a soul family, have created together.